Pe 3 noiembrie 2015, începând cu ora 10:00, sunt invitat în calitate de speaker la conferința organizată de PR2Advertising. Tema acestei conferințe este “Targetarea în campaniile online și offline” și are ca scop identificarea celor mai eficiente metode de targetare pentru a obține cele mai bune rezultate în urma campaniilor de promovare. În cadrul conferinței, […]
I will start with ”in my opinion” 🙂 I have always looked at building startups in 2 different ways: the ones built to generate revenue fast and those which were started with a clear, fast exit strategy in mind. The mindset is mainly influenced by access to capital and investment. Usually (there are exceptions) the […]
I was invited to have a keynote presentation in the opening of the PR2Advertising’s conference: Effective ways to promote your business. Being a performance-driven agency and leading a team that is promoting mainly channels that can prove directly ROI, it was a real challenge to discover the elements that can change the game for your business in the online […]