digital events showcase thoughts

#DMFCairo: Digital Media Forum Cairo (about Performance Marketing and Future of Digital Media)

I was invited to have a keynote and a workshopathon in Cairo and I was completely impressed by the fact that the organizers managed to merge very interesting topics in one event. There were great creative presentations, strategy or even technical ones. And not to forget the futurology presentations of business approach, JJ Walburg and Alex […]

digital events misc thoughts

The ONE thing you can do for you (or for your business)

I was invited to have a keynote presentation in the opening of the PR2Advertising’s conference: Effective ways to promote your business. Being a performance-driven agency and leading a team that is promoting mainly channels that can prove directly ROI, it was a real challenge to discover the elements that can change the game for your business in the online […]


The MasterPlan Agency în Grupul Infinit – Revista presei

IQAds – Ianuarie 2015 – Insider Story Alex Cernatescu: “Un focus mare al grupului Infinit va fi cresterea zonelor de performance marketing, media digitala si de e-commerce” In general avem conturi full-service digitally-led, adica livram turn-key, pe termen lung, de la strategie, creatie, dezvoltare “asset-uri digitale” pana la campanii de comunicare de toate dimensiunile, promotii […]


Hello world, indeed!

La jumătatea anului 2014 am decis să mă alătur grupului Infinit în poziția de asociat prin crearea The MasterPlan Agency. Cu ajutorul fraților Andrei și Alex Cernătescu și alături de o echipă excepțională, am avut probabil cel mai bun start al unei agenții de digital media și consultanță în e-Commerce din piață. După cum Alex Cernătescu a spus în Forbes: […]